Does Juicers Sometimes Make You Feel Stupid?

In addition to its Strong 1000-watt Engine and patented "foam Administration

System", the CJE-1000 boasts many enhanced features and is available for an
incredibly competitive price.
It can be easy to see high numbers in the title of a product and automatically
Think that it has to be a excellent piece of machinery. This is why many companies add
numbers to the names of their products -- to fool you into thinking they mean
something wonderful. Luckily, in the case of this particular juicer, the number
1000 actually refers to the motor's wattage and it is a good indication of quality.
It can also be easy to see a name brand, such as Cuisinart, attached to a lowpriced
Juicer and assume that it is a deal. Sometimes, though, Great brands and
misleading names are attached to poor-quality juicers. I have concluded that that
Is not true for the CJE-1000. It Seems that Cuisinart has done its best to
bring the quality we expect from them and infuse it into this juicer. The major aim
Of this guide to is to decipher whether the low cost of this juicer reflects an
Amazing bargain or a low-quality build.
Conclusion, read ahead to understand how I came into it.

In discussing juicer motors It's Important for you to know the different Sorts of
Motors that are often put in juicers. A 700-watt motor may sound impressive
If you are unaware that a 1000-watt motor is frequently used as well. Similarly, a 1000-
Watt motor may sound wonderful if you are unaware that 1400-watt motors are
often used. In the case of juicers, 1000 watts Seems to be a sort of upper
threshold. The most powerful motor you can find for a juicer hovers around the
1000-watt mark, just like the motor found in this juicer.

It is also likely to withstand the demands of someone
Who juices regularly and in huge batches.
Motor would overheat and break down if used by someone who takes their
juicing very seriously. In this case, however, I would not hesitate to recommend
I believe that you will be able to run the CJE-
1000 for long periods of time without a worry.
Foam Management System
Cuisinart 4FCuisinart is very much about their patented "foam management
Would not doubt it is likely printed in big bold letters on the packaging of
their juicers.
So, what's a foam management system? Essentially, it reduces the amount of
foam created during centrifugal juicing. I must admit that I was a skeptic when I

Process, so I found it hard to believe that they had developed some type of system
which stopped it from happening.

However, I have seen it in action and was quite impressed at how well it worked.
Despite the high speeds and soft foods used in the demonstration I watched,
there were very little (almost imperceptible) amounts of foam created as the user
Juiced a substantial quantity of food in a very short timeframe.
Built For Large Batches with Minimal Fuss
As I have mentioned, the 1000-watt motor supports large batches of juice by not
Overheating or breaking down when used for long periods of time. Many
Other factors make it easy to create large batches of juice with minimal hassle. For
Example, this juicer comes with a 2-liter pulp collector. I have previously
expressed excitement about 10-ounce pulp collectors, so seeing a 2-liter pulp
collector makes me feel overjoyed.
Part of what makes it difficult to create large batches of juice is the fact that you
must stop every so often to empty the pulp collector. A pulp collector as large as
This one means that you could create a rather large batch of juice without having
to stop. Actually, you could create batches which are two to three times larger than
those you could create in other leading 1000-watt juicers.
Indulge in Extras
Although this juicer doesn't have All the bells and whistles I have seen featured
in other, more expensive, centrifugal juicers, it does feature a few important
extras I am excited to share with you. Primarily, it features an LED light ring around
The energy setting dial. I must say that I am not sure what purpose this LED light
Ring functions, but it sure looks neat.
Another interesting extra is the way that Cuisinart has chosen to attach the extralarge
1-quart juice pitcher to the machine. Most other juicers Don't feature
attachable juice pitchers, making the juice susceptible to being spilled and
splattered. Adding to the list of extras are things like removable, dishwasher
Safe non-electrical components, large 3-inch feeding tube, and five speed settings.
Consumer Feedback
Feedback from actual consumers has been mostly positive. Apparently, the pulp
Created by this machine is rather dry and the machine's juice yield is a lot higher
than that of many similar competitors. The only major complaints I can find are
based around three issues. First, consumers have complained that this juicer is
Rather large and is not made for those with small countertops. This doesn't mean
There is anything wrong with the juicer itself, just it isn't made for certain
The second most common complaint was that refurbished versions of this juicer
Are breaking, overheating and, quite simply, aren't very great. Do not let
These reviews deter you from purchasing the CJE-1000. Simply allow them to
steer you away from refurbished appliances -- they are often more of a hassle
than they are worth.
The Last popular complaint was that this juicer does not handle leafy greens very
well. Rather than extracting juice from them, it shreds them and spits large chunks
of them into the pulp collector. Unfortunately, this is just a regular problem when
it comes to centrifugal juicers. You will have a very difficult time finding a
Centrifugal juicer which does not experience difficulties with leafy greens.
Concluding RemarksMany companies will create beautiful juicers with all the bells and whistles but
Neglect to place a very powerful motor in them -- this is how they offer them for low
prices. It appears that Cuisinart decided to do something slightly different.
Although a few bells and whistles are present, they appear to have focused their
energy on the incredibly powerful 1000-watt motor they installed in each and
every CJE-1000 Juice Extractor.
I began this review by posing a question: Is the Cuisinart CJE-1000 a steal of a deal
or is it all hype? I've seen cheaper centrifugal juicers, but not with the abilities
that this juicer clearly holds. All the bragging, boasting, and hype about this
Juicer appears to actually be founded in reality; consumers have had very wonderful
Things to say about its ability to make quality juice with very little hassle. In the end,
I believe that this juicer is worth much more than it's currently being sold for. If
You have the counter space to accommodate the CJE-1000, I recommend picking
one up.


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